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This topic has shown the major differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning, in addition to ways to find out which setting would best suit each individual.

With asynchronous learning, students need to take more responsibility for their own learning.  While there is flexibility, students need to develop good time management skills and realize that it's their responsibility.

I've learned that Asynchronous learning is great for students with tighter schedules or outside commitments and a great environment for independent, introverted self-motivating students. There are also many ways to make Asynchronous classes engaging, especially with labs, adding videos, images, and other things besides text to aid the learning process and make it more engaging for students.  

VARK could be useful and I have never thought about adding something like that to an ON class.


The core elements of the asynchronous course; like the teaser regarding lab activities that seems to be coming in later modules. 

I teach a hands on subject and have to figure out how asynchronous can be applied. The idea is great, the application is not yet obvious

Students who are introverted or take longer to participate in class discussions, as well as those who cannot attend a synchronous course at a specific time and location, can both benefit greatly from asynchronous coursework. Among other qualities, asynchronous online learners need to be at ease working by themselves, be self-directed and motivated, and have solid time management abilities. 

I agree that students should determine what type of online environment they will excel in. The VARK and True Colors are excellent tools to assess their learning styles. 

This topic is very information the website for the questions will help the student identify their learning preference.

Aprendi a ver desde diferentes perspectivas la enseñanza y el aprendizaje , es una modalidad diferente a la presencial y se necesitan metodologias que encajen en la necesidad del estudiante para concretar el proceso satisfactoriamente.

I find that what is overlooked by designers is the cost in time to your faculty.  Time Management sounds reasonable but asynch places more and irregular demand on instructors. Instructor time is a planning factor that has to be considered, resourced, and assessed.

Asynchronous learning is for students that like to reflect and have great time management skills.

Being that I love teaching online, I think it is important that all students have ALL the information about how online classes of any type actually work so that they can take ownership of their learning style and ability to commit to make the best choice as to what works for them.  It is a changing learning environment that we live in and it is important that education change to in order to give the best possible options for learning.

This model is a better fit for people like me who do their best work when everyone else is asleep.

I was happy to see that my online course - one that contains both asynchronous and synchronous activities - meets the "core elements" guidelines.  Up to this point, I had not heard of FolioSpaces and plan to incorporate an activity for students to set up their own account- and one for myself!  Most importantly, my biggest takeaway is that asynchronous learning is a legitimate and effective way to educate students.  The environment really does level the playing field between introverts and extraverts with the student in charge of the where and when to engage with the material.

Having been involved with face to face, synchronous, and asynchronous courses, the material presented so far is very much on point.  There are certainly challenges that you face in the asynchronous environment, but it is satisfying knowing that you are working with students that may have no other way to engage in learning.

Utilizing VARK or True color testing so students can check their learning and personality type to ascertain they are making the best choice for their personal learning styles and needs.

There are very clear characteristics needed for a student to be successful in an asynchronous learning environment. With the correct tools and support, instructors can meet the needs of the students. 

I found it interesting their are websites that help the student evaluate readiness and capability for asynchronous learning.

The use of an assessment tool like true colors or Vark is needed to determine whether the class should be asynchronous or Synchronous.


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