Explaining how and why you qualify as a professor/instructor is important to the students to understand and trust your direction.
An effective way to establish your presence is by sharing your credentials with students, along with highlighting meaningful contributions you've made in your career that positively impacted others. Doing so helps to personalize your role and makes you more relatable to students, building a sense of connection and approachability.
It is important to have a strong online presence as well as on ground because it makes the students feel more supported in all environments.
be present with your students online and in the classroom for success.
Both the students learning about the teacher and the teacher learning about the student backgrounds are essential. I usually on my face to face teaching I always asked each student about his background to learn something about them. However, with online teaching I did not do it. I think it is a great idea to ask them to post a brief introduction about themselves to fill that gap.
I found the recommendations for establishing relationships with students interesting. In particular, the idea that students should make profiles and that these should be the first assignment. There always needs to be a better understanding of the students, their interests and needs.
As an instructor it is important to know the student in order to influence and motivate them in their studies. Students must know about the career and professional experience of their teacher and vice versa. This will generate confidence and security in which we can support them.
Making your presence known by getting to know each student and their biography, emailing students you see falling behind. Overall ensuring them that you are there to support and teach because you are committed to their success
En este módulo, he aprendido la importancia de proyectar mi presencia como instructor en un entorno de aprendizaje en línea. Comprendí que no solo se trata de estar presente, sino de crear una conexión de apoyo y confianza con los estudiantes, utilizando herramientas como la participación en foros de discusión, la respuesta oportuna a consultas y la creación de un ambiente accesible y seguro. Además, aprendí que proyectar autoridad mediante una biografía bien estructurada y el uso de recursos multimedia ayuda a fortalecer mi rol como guía en el curso.
Aplicaré este conocimiento manteniendo una comunicación constante y accesible con los estudiantes, brindando retroalimentación constructiva y oportuna, y usando recordatorios y mensajes personalizados para fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo. También me aseguraré de estar disponible y atento a sus necesidades, especialmente en los momentos clave del curso.
This course indicates that as an instructor you can show authority and credentials but at the same time build a rapport with the students and have them engage and learn while sharing professional experiences.
A student is expecting someone they can depend on, someone who has experienced what they are about to work into the world. The instructor has to show the way, by how they project themselves professionally within the profession, confidently to show how it’s done in the real world and tactically to show how we problem solve with any challenges in the profession to show our students how they will work within the course and in the real world. A well rounded instructor will help students open up with any concerns they may have or challenges.
Aprendí que la presencia de uno es significativo para que los estudiantes se sientan seguros. Usualmente, uno cuando toma clases a distancia, se preocupa por no saber como manejar su aula virtual, a quien preguntarle sobre las clases, los foros, e incluso muchas veces no saben como pagar sus estudios, por el simple hecho de no saber a quien acudir. Como estudiante en universidades extranjeras, vi que esto me sucedía a mi y es claro que le puede pasar también a otros estudiantes. Es por eso que, conociendo estas dificultades y que soy alguien a quien le gusta ayudar y enseñar, puedo crear empatía, logrando que mis ideales puedan entrar a simpatizar con los ideales de los alumnos. Aprendí que uno debe estar muy bien físicamente, mentalmente y anímicamente; para dar respuestas que sean acordes a cada una de las preguntas de los estudiantes y tener un claro sistema que apoye en el proceso.
Being relative to students allows them to perceive you better and vise versa.
The way to project presence and authority as well as creating rapport with student in the online environment.
I learned how to project and maintain my presence and authority from a distance while establishing a relationship with each student, I will apply what I learned through text support, video clips and even audio support.
Be an active instructor even when student is an e-learner.
I need to be open and share about myself.
Responding to questions from students and offering helpful feedback can improve their understanding of the material and facilitate communication with them via discussion boards.
Traditional and Online Learning is similar, Instructors are required to influence, persuade, inspire, and energize their students. Posting a Brief Biography helps establish authority and Students are also encouraged to share their Biography. Key components to the Biography are Academic Background, Employment History, Reason for participating in a course, expectations, and interest and hobbies. Instructors need to keep a presence from a distance, authority from a distance, and establish a relationship with each learner.
How to incorporate your bio into the learning process