I learnt how to provide meaningful feedback in formal and informal way.
Positive feedback motivates students and encourages students to continue doing their jobs well. Positive feedback is most effective when a teacher recognizes a specific action/behavior from the students. Give it as soon as possible after the student's good work occurs. It will have an impact on their learning performance.
Feedback must be specific rather than generic. However, generic feedback can be more appropriate for assignments that are summative in nature. Specific feedback is proven to be effective and helps students identify areas needing improvement.
The various forms of assessment - these can be culled out and expanded on for faculty training. Also, the difference between summative/formative assessment is something that I think has been overlooked by institutions that rely heavily on professionals that teach, as opposed to more traditionally trained teachers/educators.
Feedback must be personal and specific to make an impact on the student's learning. Giving specific examples from the student's work in each rubric section allows the student to recognize not only why they received a certain grade, but what actions they can take to improve.
Rubrics should be used so students will know what is expected. Rubrics should be clear and succinct.
ensure feedback is appropriate, positive, and skill building
The value of effective feedback is imperative in the students learning and success. Feedback should not be generic, but specific as to provide guidance on future improvement so the student is actually learning by reviewing their feedback and analyzing the assignment.
Providing feedback helps assist students in achieving their goals within the learning objectives of the course.
I like rubrics and learning about meaningful feedback.
I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the distinction between summative and formative assessment . Also it provided clear insights into how to create and structure a well-organized rubric.
I learned the difference between formative and summative assessments. I also learned why self and peer assessments are important. Rubric development was discussed and the advantages of using rubrics. I am going to spend more time on developing rubrics and making sure I am providing important feedback to my students.
Assessments are for students to help them reach achievements, not something that is done to them.
Learned the various ways to deliver constructive feedback to students.
Feedback is essential for learning and success in an online course!
I have learned that feedbacks to students should be specific and not generic, and is very important in the learning process
Feedback is key for students' learning. PLus, we need to consider summative and summative assessment using rubrics.
Rubrics are my very best friends.
Giving frequent, positive, lengthy feedback.
" Meaningful feedback that is connected to learning objectives and is specific, detailed, individualized, and provided in an appropriate way gives students information to help them increase their knowledge and/or skills." What I take from this is to make sure you are always giving good feedback that is clear and specific to the individual.