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From this topic, I have learnt that it is essenitla to consider a number of factors while designing a rubric. An example of such factors include hte purpose of the rubric, its type and the range and scoring scales. such consdierations provides a room for the development of a relevant rubric. 

This was helpful: Searching the Internet for rubrics themselves may also be more productive that building your own. 

Rubrics should be reliable, valid, and fair. 


There are several online resources to help one create a rubric that will help one take into account all the criteria necessary for covering all components required.  That being said Rubrics need to be fair and have clarity so there is no misunderstanding about what expectations are of the students. 

There are a number of sources out there for making a good rubric, but make sure no matter what that you have a concise and fair rubric.

I didn't know about the rubric building websites. I was well aware that there are countless example rubrics to look at online, but rubric building sites sound like a great resource. Another thing that I found illuminating is the idea that rubrics should contain from 3-5 outcomes. I usually use more, but perhaps that is a bit overwhelming.

In this module we learned how to build a rubric and all the different aspects of a rubric and why each are important.


There are templates and starting points available on the internet when making a rubric


I did not realize that there were websites dedicated to rubric development. I will use one to help me through the rubric building process.

Creating rubrics is a dynamic and ongoing process.  There are lots of resources and templates available to create rubrics.


Clarity and fairness are paramount to developing a rubric.

I liked the idea of giving rubrics a test-run by grading past work. I think it should be standard to do that when those charged with developing rubrics create them. I think another good test would be to provide a few teachers with rubrics and the same papers to grade and then see how uniform the grading is. Big variations may well mean a rubric is not clear enough.

Nancy Tosh

I learn that the rubric must contain several components in order for it to be an effective and fair to all students.


I like to work the rubrics from 0. To make it like it according to the level and culture involved. They must be reliable

I think that building a rubric should be practical, have a good quality and technical objetives and fairness. Having these three components will asure me to have a complete built of a rubric.

Establish the type and purpose of the rubric, integrating the student outcomes. Consider the homework, project, and what you want to evaluate and the rubric will be clear, reliable, valid, and fair.

How to construct a rubric and why we should we evaluate it.


He usado algunos de estas aplicaciones que desarrollan rúbricas y ayudan a mantener el enfoque en los procesos de aprendizaje.


There are many types of rubrics and they are used for different purposes. Also, they consider criterias according to the purpose of the goal that the instructor wants to reach. 

The Rubric is basically and excellent feedback for students in terms assessment. This is the basic featura of Rubrics. 


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