SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT! Provide a safe haven for your students and advocate for them.
Work to build rapport with students and a therapeutic environment in the classroom. Then be ready to help students who report / show symptoms of trauma get the help they need to regain health and happiness.
Trauma is real and it is important as an educator to recognize it and help when needed.
We have to have the type of relationships with our kids that they feel safe and can approach us.
It is important for teachers to advocate for thier students, especially if they are being abused.
The type of support a teacher can deliver is heavily regulate. This puts teachers in a catch 22 and may lead to the teacher taking short cuts
Our brains are developing until we are 25 years old, so students we often think of as young adults do not always have the physiological tools to reason and react in they ways we might hope. Dysregulation can lead to behavioral choices which are not always in a child's best interest, it is imperative that we are on the lookout for signs of trauma so that we can help support students when they experience this.
Stay calm and observe the situation. Make contact if necessary but be gentle in your approach.
As a teacher, my role is to not only contact admin and counselors but also offer support to the student.
Students who have experienced Trauma often suffer from emotional dysregulation. While it is more common in females, it impacts males as well and can lead to poor choices and disruptive behaviors.
The thing you have to remember is if students are under trama you must stay calm in your interactions, if not everything falls apart.
After reading the information on trauma, I feel I need to be more aware of students' attitudes, behavior and just how they behave in class.
I believe it's the responsibility of the teacher to be aware of the possibility of trauma and how to address it.
Trauma is a serious issue that plagues many students. It is the teacher's role to help identify at-risk students and direct them to the proper channels to recovery.