Career Management | Origin: EC116
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Integrating Career Readiness Into Your Courses: Part II --> Career Management
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
It is important for the students to have the opportunity to explore a multitude of careers, even within the same industry. They may find something that they truly enjoy, or happen to be good at, and it may not have occured to them initially. I also believe that it is important for the student to identify what they do not want to do.
Transitioning is a step of the career managment process that people do not think about until its right at their front door.
I would say that students need to take a holistic approach to this issue: what is their career all about, rather than what is the next job.
Carreer Management Skills CMS are Life Long Learning and reuire good self awareness to determine the next step. To me commitment is key to working with and developing within an organization and building outside networks.
When we inject education into the culture around us society benefits. Taking the time to push students to enalbe a feeling of worth and self esteem is a type of paying forward.
Professionalism and life long learning need to be mentioned more often
Career management and preparation is crucial to the career. All the stages are necessary and like the article say, no stage is more important than the other. The stages give some sort of structure of how an individual and what an individual should use as steps to finding a coreer that will suite them for a sustained future.
Settings goals that are specific is what i learned mostly and I think that it will help students be more focused on the projects.
A willingness to research, try new things, and commit to lifelong learning are necessary when considering career management. It is important for teachers to provide opportunities for students to consider new fields, and it is important for workers, no matter where they are in their career journey, to not grow complacent.
The major takeaway from this section is that education may never catch up to the real-time pace of the workplace. This means that we should focus on teaching our students how to adapt to whatever they may face when they enter the job market.
Exploring options with a specific and organized plan will yield the highest success rate in the pursuit of lifelong goals.
Career management is lifelong learning as work goals may change within companies but also within the career of a leader.
I loved learning how best to help create retention in their chosen field by offering continuing education courses.
This is good stuff. I like the idea of students conducting a career interview. Might just do that, call in some former students and colleagues to help with that.
I see great value in the career interview for students (and adults) because it allows us to think outside of our current situation. If we want our students to be lifelong learners we have to be willing to accept that the transition is likely going to happen at some point in everyones career.
I learned that career management is on-going and life-long. By guiding and helping students explore different careers and pathways can help them stay more aware of different opportunities and become more aware of their goals, interest, and things they value most. By helping them become more self-aware can help them better understand what their strengths are.
Planning for the future and making those goals happen is a huge part of career training and education. We can use SMART goals to help students make meaningful and measurable goals.
Teaching Students to be Future-oriented and forward-looking is yet again another process that is developed over time. I do think that students who have the same or similar teachers throughout their high school experience may have a better idea of what they need
I learned about Career Management Skills (CMS) which are essential for managing one's career and regularly reviewing performance throughout their professional life.
These skills include:
1. Self-awareness: enabling students to make informed career choices.
2. Career development planning and exploration: allowing students to envision their future careers.
3. Lifelong learning: adapting to ongoing innovations and updating knowledge and skills.
4. Networking: building personal and professional relationships crucial for career growth.
As instructors, we can help students develop and reinforce these skills by:
- Providing exploration spaces and feedback.
- Conducting career interviews to inform students about their desired careers.
- Encouraging students to set S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-specific) career objectives and goals.
- Guiding students in creating personalized career action plans and development processes.