Enhancing Your Attitude and Energy | Origin: AD113
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Managing Your Attitude and Energy to Maximize Your Effectiveness --> Enhancing Your Attitude and Energy
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
There is a definite correlation between energy and the right mental attitude.
The correlation between energy and the attitude is spot on! I AGREE with this module.
We need to stray away from venting because it tends to shift our persepctive to a negative mindset, rather we should journal and stay positive and make clear action steps on how to remedy the situation.
Energy and attitude go hand and hand...I totally agree with this module.
Determine incentives, and make the hard work, have a positive result in the daily outcomes
attitude affects your Energy and if you are feeling High Energy you will get things doine.
i learned that attitrude and enerygy work hand in hand and keeping both balanced keeps you in a good spot
There are several ways to improve your Right Mental Attitude: fostering your inner coach, determine your incentives, and making a plan and set benchmarks.
I learne that in order to raise your attitude levels, you must have a positive personal energy.
Take responsibility for your actions and work on improving your personal energy and attitude. Your inner and outer world are affected by what energy and attitude you project. Be positive. I will be my self coach and I will show others how I improve myself and encourage them to do the same.
There are ways to improve your attitude and raise RMA. Never complain again, take ownership, keep a journal and affirmations.
RMA will be the number one attribute to early success in admissions in terms of overall performance. It is imperative to constantly check your mindset to make sure you have the RMA
I love this entire module and will share aspects with our students and faculty
This Module has hit me hard, I work so hard and sometimes I forget to Stop and recharge.I have to remember to do more mental practice to keep my attitude and energy positive.I will defetnely make a plan and set benchmarks.
The facts that you need a high level of energy to maintain a positive attitude, but that you also need a positive attitude to maintain a high level of energy is a chicken and the egg scenario. It all starts from within!
Comment on Deidre Tolar's post: lol, GET IT!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I agree energy and attitude go hand in hand for a successful balance at work and in real life.
Comment on Yvonne Silva's post: Energy and Attitude should always be in a positive manner, we are human and we have a "bad" days, its how you respond to it that will make you or break you.