Students are encouraged to report their situation to the police. As an advocate for my students, I would recommend they report to the Title IX coordinator and police to maximize protection and investigation resources.
A request for a date between students would not create a hostile environment, as it is the totality of the circumstances in which the behavior occurs that is critical in determining whether a hostile environment exists.
I learned that criminal investigations and institutional investigations are separate. Even if a criminal investigation does not lead to charges, a school may find violations related to Title IX and/or VAWA and seek disciplinary action.
Comment on Lisa Creach's post: Agree on that one! Students or anyone should feel comfortable and supported during this terrible time. Know that the institution is there for the student.
Whether or not the offense happened on or off campus it should be investigated and a report should be encouraged
Title IX and VAWA training, institutions can create a more comprehensive and effective response to incidents of sexual misconduct, contributing to the development of safer and more respectful campuses.
Comment on Sheila Heinert's post: Very interesting and seems more detailed than I knew. But good to know that they have options and there are many protective measures for them to seek out.
Institutions have more flexibility within the proceedings of these situations than I initially knew.
I found this Module is exceptionally difficult to process due to a very elitist language, very lengthy and wordy paragraphs.
offences must be reported at all times regardless of where it occurred. policies must be in forced to create a better and safer society.
The Time Frame for reporting is listed as "Prompt".
If I am the victim, this time frame would be crucial as to the perpetrator who is allow to be on campus and living the life.
Time Frame recording of and incident should be important.
Title IX offers to little importance on minimal reports.
Institutions offering ongoing training on sexual Harassment and sexual Violence is not enough.
From this module, I have learned the importance of supporting the individual that has raised a complaint by encouraging them to report the issue to the appropriate authorities (Title IX Coordinator, police, etc.) while maintaining impartiality throughout the investigative process.
School has to investigate all complaints of sexual misconduct regardless of where it occurred
Communication is key to become a good instructor specially be very respectful and patiente