Any instatution with students getting federal grants must comly with the ADA reqierments
Momentary disabillitys are not considered disabillitys. Eagel acsess must be available to stuents with disibillitys
Acomadations for people with disibillitys is always evolving. It is our responsabillity to keep current with new develepments.
I found the Asperger's example very helpful in understanding that services can be given to help control a student's behavior, but that the student still needs to control the bhavior ultimately.
Seth Soronnadi
Learned that "The most recent guidance from the Department of Justice makes it clear that an animal that provides only comfort or emotional support for its owner is an "emotional support animal," not a service animal. The presence of the cat would not be protected under the law. "
Accommodations need to be made for students with disabilities, however, they are still held to the same standards of other students. Accommodations are not made for cheating for example. Emotional support animals are not service animals and accomodations do not need to be made for those students. I have learned a lot from this module. Students that are ESL also do not need to be accommodated based solely on their inability to process the text and answers within the allotted time frame for taking a test. Accommodations are also based on a case by case basis, but they all need to be taken into proper consideration. Just because one accomodation Was allowed with a student, doesn't mean the same accomodation needs to be made for another student, as long as both cases were reviewed thoroughly.
It is important for us as educators to be aware of ones specific disability. Everyone deserves the chance to be succesful in their education. One thing Ihave learned in my own classroom is that if a student is having struggles with the materail and their is another student who is bilingual. See if the other student is willing to help their classmate. I have seen a growth in the student who was struggling.
The student must take responsibility for requesting accomadations if needed. An emotional support animal is NOT a service animal. Despite appropriate accomadations if the student breaks a rule such as cheating on a test the student is subject to the same disipline as any other student.
Until this training, I would of had never realized how much information there is about this subject. This training will help me to be a better instructor. Being informed and knowledgeable about this subject is the goal.
Accomodating students with disabilities has only evolved over the years. Technology and the use of asynchronous classes has allowed institutions to accomodate more students with disabilities.
Accomodations for disabilities must be made but not to such a degree that it gives the disabled student an advantage.
I learned that emotional support animals were not included in the ADA definition of service animal.
That the institution must follow the guide lines and laws to insure that people with disabilitys have the same learning advantages as those with no disabilitys but it is the responcability of the disabled to follow the proper proceedures to make sure that their disabilitys are known by the institution so that accomodations can be made in a reasonable amount of time.
As a parent of a child with disabilities, I can appreciate both laws. While my child has a mobility disability, navigating through all of it can be challenging. It is important not to judge and have perceptions of students with any disability. The main point I learned was that the laws provide access to equal opportunity. Providing accommodations to students to be full participants in an educational setting can be a rewarding experience.
This module reinforced the importance of resonable accommodations and the process to determine what those are. Further, it helped support the continued need on the part of the student to communciate their requests/needs to the appropriate college individuals to be reviewed and potentinally approved for accommodations.
I have learned that. in light of the intersection between laws and the digital learning ecosystem, equal access to online learning is very important today.