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It is important to be transparent in our jobs and make sure we provide our students with the correct information.

  • The new ways to educate has been an adjustment for all people in all nations. in today world we are open with virtual and online studies more than ever before.


Reply to Consuelo (Connie) Gill's post:  Hi Connie  You are right that its important to do all disclosures clearly and let student ask questionss/hw may have



Being transparent as to what the program/job entails is so important. That way the student knows exactly what they are getting their selves into


Reply to Lacey Hatfield's post:  Lacey I totally agree the students need to know all the details of the career they have choosen.

Disclosures and representations should both be factual. A representation may be misleading to students. 

It is very important for students to have a copy of the school's catalog and the enrollment agreement to proceed in their programs.  A good idea for instructors is to remind their students of those valuable pieces of information maybe during the first lecture.

You must be transparent, accurate, complete and documentable with students goals and success in mind.

I recall early in my career a dean quizzing me on my mention of a salary range for graduates of one of our training programs. I was being chastised. I took thee dean to one of our labs and there on the bulleting board was the article from the local paper that I'd been quoting. It was removed and I was informed about representations and disclosures. It was not in my job description:-).

Disclosures are published to provide the students with accurate information on  finanicial assistantance and academic programs needed. 


Transparency is key to success for students, educators, and the institution. Anyone working within the organization must be familiar with the school's mission, vission, and manner of operations. Honesty about the future for graduates is also important. They need to be aware of the actual demands of their future careers. 


Start with disclosing clearly defined policies and expectations. Remove the mystery behind things like classroom management, course objectives, assessment styles, and grading by sharing your guidelines and sticking to them.

As an associate, we represent the institution and its learning environment where students can trust everyone to always do what is the right thing to do. By providing diclosures and representing only information that are true to our mission and in alignment with standards, we can expect to build a trusting relationship with students or prospective students.


The importance of training faculty on representations, especially in the online environment.  Alot of focus is placed on Admissions/FA/GES.  Training on representations being accurate, complete, transparent, AND documentable is important for all roles on campus to understand.  

Remembering my days when I first began my eductional journey, it was very important to me that the person that I first talk to gave me information and details that would be necessary for me to understand and have an clear idea/understding of what I had a head of me.

​Across all departments, from Admissions to the virtual learning space, every employee must be familiar with the course catalogue, policies and procedures or the institution. This will help avoid miscommunication and misrepresentation to prospective and currently enrolled students. 


I learned that instructors are the direct representations of the school and as such must be well versed in school policies as well as general information regarding admissions and trasnsferability of any school credit to another institution.  If we are unsure of the answer to any students' questions, we should direct that student to the appropriate school staff who can give and answer.  We should also follow up with the student to make sure they received the support and information that they needed. 


a good reminder of what we are representing and why its important for our profession. being prepared to answer questions students may have or even prospective students coining and checking out the program.



At our school, we do not accept certain math credits for students completing their prerequisites becuase it is critical for their instruction later. 


It is very important for a school to be transparent. this is how the student will be able to trust you.

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