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Information Topic: Compliance Is Important

This course was very imformative. Compliance is for everyone working in any insituation. Always doing the right thing especially, when no one is watching. An insitutation can lose federal funding on the negliance of not following policy and procedure under the federal law.


HE115 Course

I really enjoyed watchng this video. I learned the difference between Profit and Non Profit. All the infomation given to us was very useful for the upcoming future I am preparing. 

Great Info...

I now understand more about the difference in the trypes of for profit institutions.


good information regarding recruitment and financial situations.


Great session and training opportunity for managers and academic leaders.


In all interactions with prospective and current students, as well as graduates, act with integrity and provide information/responses that are in line with our student handbook. I refer to the handbook whenever I need to discuss a topic that I am not clear on or haven't referred to in a while to ensure I have accurate information and speak in accordance with current policies. This came up recently when I have to explain a relatively new policy on exam retakes and the appeal process. I wanted to ensure the student understood the policy and the I accurately reflected how it… >>>


The information provided in the online course was precise and succinct. As an administrator that interacts with all facts of the institution the information I reviewed and/or learned will definitely be shared and applied. Although, the information is required knoweledge, refreshers are very useful and always informative. We are currently going through the accreditation process and it is a daunting expereince. Once all the provisions and procedural aspects are in place it will definitely ensure that the students and the staff are protected. Our enrollment practices definitely inform the students of the benefits and challenges of enrolling in a program;… >>>

Course Completion

This course provided a detailed comprehensive education in regards to student enrollment and campus integrity. What an instructor, administrator and all other departments of what they can say and do compared to what they cannot do to ensure maintaining compliance with state and accreditors. 



Very Informative

Learned a lot on the subject.

School practices and guidelines

I believe these information are usesul for all faculty and instructors. Many times new students have questions about school practices and guidelines regarding state and federal laws.

FERPA Success

I just completed the CM-141-FERPA and Privacy: A Practical Approach course.  It was an informative course containing the information needed to understand FERPA.

The most valuable component for me were the application questions which require the student to apply the information in a real world situation. In other words, the course requires one to fully comprehend the information in order to apply it, rather than just rote memorization.

I encourage paying close attention to these application questions, in addition to stopping throughout the course to ask oneself how would this information apply to our organization.

The other valuable component are… >>>

Different kinf of disability

Today I had learned more about the dyslexia and how to work depending the situation. 

Amazin topic.

This is a very interesting topic.  I had learning a lot, specially about how to work with students with behavioral imparement.

Compliance habits

Treat each day as an onsite visit day


The extent the university is required to maintain safety and availabiity of procedure regarding Title IX, VAWA, and Cleary Act violations is encouraging and calming for parents sending their children to college.

Compliance ensures the quality and integrity of the institution enabling students to receive the eduation they deserve.


I just participated in CM150 - Understanding the Language and Intention of Accreditation Standards. It was a lot to take in and process. We are initiating the process and are organizing ourselves order to facilitate the process in order to succinctly describe all of our policies and procedures. Although, we make a real concerted effort to be very thorough throughout all aspects of our documentation and policies, this course revealed the need to take it one step further. I believe the self-study although daunting will definitely be a positive for our school, our staff, and our student body.


There was much I did not know about federal Title IV compliance.  This course was well constructed and I enjoyed the interactive scenarios.  


Structuring Audit Programs

After reading this section I will present the quartly Auditing of each department.  After the last Department of Education Audit I try to focus that more on making sure that we don't repeat the same mistakes as before.  Therefore I have created a new form to add with the refund of R2T4. I also have student complete entrance couseling on line and in person for all active students.  Pre Visit Preparation section when it states that the catalog provides some of the key elements requiring review during an audit.  I truely agree every audit that I have had the the… >>>

Foreign Degrees

Recently I was told by a collegue from another school that tewo students had dropped a class because of the instructor's foreign creditials. The students felt that his educational background was not relevant or would be applicable in the US.

I myself have a degree from a foreigh institution.

I would like to know what is the perspective some of you may have on this and why you may or not agree with what the students did.


Misleading students

I really enjoy working with some of the schools in the area, specially when we get together and host educational events that benefit the community. Most of them are ethical and we all share best practices and support one another to find the best option or alternative for the students.