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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Build Trust and be honest

 To deevlop the trust that will sustain long term relationships, there must be complete honesty and transparency between al members.

ADHD Who is at risk?

ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and into adulthood. The average age of onset is 7 years old.

ADHD affects about 4.1% American adults age 18 years and older in a given year. The disorder affects 9.0% of American children age 13 to 18 years. Boys are four times at risk than girls.

The specialist pays close attention to the child's behavior during different situations. Some situations are highly structured, some have less structure. Others would require the child to keep paying attention. Most children with ADHD are better able to control… >>>


Getting student to produce documents.

Developing an audit plan for my institution

Even though i have a small institution only offering one program which is Cosmetology, i still benefited from this course by realizing each regulatory body will be more effecient with an audit plan in place. Once developed, the audit system will basically over see all regulatory bodies and ensure each department is operating according to all rules and laws. Also helping to maintain better retention, placement and  effecient enrollments.

students with learning disabilities and ADHD.

My biggest challenge is with students who are LD with ADHD. Keeping these students focused on the material and not disruptive in the classroom has been difficult. I am in a vocation school with professionals training professionals. We have not had formal training as teachers. We are getting creative to keep these students on task. One of the biggest things we found out that works for us is to put the students in smaller hands on classroom classes. If the student can be kept engaged with the task on hand the outcome is better.


 As a former student I totally agrre with full disclosure. Having all the information in making a life decision is a must. As a institution,  It can't be about the school, it must be about the student with out exception.


This module opened my eyes to the concept of misrepresentation. When promoting a program or institution, it is very easy to use superlatives and provide a prospective student with your own subjective opinion and leave them with exaggerated expectations.

CM 101

CM 101 As an Career Service team member. This course has given me a better understanding of the reason, and importance for Internal Audits. Not only are internal audits important for the schools to conduct, but in doing so this gives the school an opportunity to seek information on questionable information and be able to solve and fix any issues of concern. How will this course help me in the future? In our department. We have been checking our binders to make sure all of our documentation, “Stand-Alone“ concept. This isn’t anything new to me, but it does explain the… >>>

GE template

Module one  has a lot of confusing information which was never handled at my local campus. We will now be handling a lot of this information locally. I could not find the gainful employment template GE. If anyone could be of assist

admission role

It is very important the role of the representative of admission, is the first impression that prospective student takes and is very stimulating when students graduate, they begin to work and achieve their purposes, is a great satisfaction form successful people.

When the prospective student arrives at school  has questions when their classes end the student has answers.


Professional Development

I love that we are required to have trainings that "recharge our batteries" to do a better job teaching our students. I think it’s refreshing to attend Professional Development seminars/speakers and attend the in-services. At our in-services, many times other instructors share what they know and use in the classroom, much of which I have never thought of using before.

Really appreciate that we have guidelines to follow; it helps make us better at what we do!

How to be compliant?

What is the best way for an adjunct to make sure they are compliant with everything that is expected in education? I know we get a lot of direction from our PDs but is there anything else we can do to be proactive in making sure we are compliant?

Action Plan

As I studied this course i printed a lot of the links so i can refer and utilize them.


Not title IV

My school is not a title IV school, but the information will be helpful when interviewing prospects who are interested in pursuing those benefits. I enjoy helping people even if they choose an option other than me.

Valuable Information

I must say that I learned quite a lot of valuable information from this course!! I have always kept student information and grades confidential; however, it is good to know exactly what FERPA considers as confidential information and what is not. Again, great course with lots of important information. I am still letting it all sink in :-)


I found it very interesting that we cannot claim to have the best of everything, but must be honest about what our school offers.  Great ready!


The training was quite informative and provided a broad knowledge base for me as a new faculty. Because I have worked in higher education for quite sometime, much of the information was as a review. There were areas that were new to me and I enjoyed the opportunity to learn.


I have learned lots of interesting facts that conclude Post Secondary Education. My desire is to place emphasis on the necessary components that will help students become successful in their academic goals.

Completed Training

Im a new admissions representative and the training was very informative and helpful

Completed training

Just completed the admissions training. I must say that it was very informative as a new admissions employee. While I learned some basic rules that always apply the most important thing is that I know where to go to find the answers to questions that I may have.