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Clear and concise expectations should be set on day one.  What grading style is used and how students can access their grades.  Make sure all students understand late entries, extra credit and make up assignments.

folow school policy on tardiness and and missed days uness you request a day for a legitamate reason ie doctors appointment ,legal issue which can be requested in advance and you can make a judgement call ,accidents can happen and with a doctors excuse and work could be made up with a small penalty according to your schools protocals don't play favorites keep everything on a level playing field

Missed and late work - policy must be spelled out in detail in the syllabus.  It is a good idea that you follow the policy of you institituion.  Imprtance in being consistent and fair must be conidered.

I feel that every course should have outlined policies, such as late or extra credit. This will ensure the learners have a sense or understanding on how to manage the course


I agree. Formal policies prevent a lot of issues.  For example, if a student comes to you privately and asks to be able to do something for extra credit, being the kind hearted teachers that we are, it is tempting to offer extra chances.   But if those chances are not offered to all equally, and it becomes rumored that a teacher 'plays favorites' it can create a lot of unrest, and even accusations of prejudice or bigotry.  Its about finding that 'comfort zone' of flexibility.   I once had a situation involving a severe illness, that really required a lot of time extensions and retest scheduling.  In that instance, I had nothing written to support a decision to provide the student a chance.  I had  to learn to have criteria that meet the litmus test for flexibility, and to communicate with the class that I have the ability to make an exception, but I won't use it without professional documentation.

This section emphasizes the grading system for students and I do not grade students so I am unable to apply this in my current practice.  I do believe it was helpful information in case I do move over to a different area of teaching where I do have to grade the students.  I know that their are different systems to grade students and the issues with the weight of certain projects, test and papers.  


If a student is absent for a week or more due to circumstances. I will schedule a day after the regular class where the student can make up the  test. I will review the module that student had missed in class before the test.


Be straight forward and adhere to the policies of the University.

types of evaluations for your students, methods for evaluating students as well as troubleshooting and grading methods, finally the appropriate way of assigning extra credit.

I learned how important evaluations are in identifying how I as an instructor are doing well or failing to do at all. I can access how the content is being presented to the students and if I've done a good job at comprehensively educating them. 


Make sure to have a clear policy about make-up test and the deductions if tests or homework assignments are late. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

I learned that you should use a form of a Toatal point method and explain to your students how it works. always keep up to date with your students grading system, and know when and carefuly give extra credit for students.

you need claer cut poylies on make-up test and extra credit 


Its important to keep grade book up to date so students know exactly where the stand wih there grades.


Make simple policies for my class and workshops. Share them early at the beginning of class so that every student knows them before going to far into the course. 


Extra credit should be used in certain situations to provide positive grade opportunities. It should not be used too much to where students don't depend on it.

My teaching style exceeds above and beyond 

Having clear and concisse grading system will help me as a teacher as well as the students.  Having the opportunity to work with students understanding will help with grading overall.  

You must plan and create your grading system well ahead of the start of the course. Decisions will be made about total points, and about what percentages of tose points will be earned from exams, homework, and projects. You may also consider offering points for participation or demonstration of soft skills applicable to the career field. You muste develop policies for late or missing work and it is best to publish those in the syllabus so you are not in the position of defending your choices later, decreasing your credibility and encouraging challenges to all grading decisions. Extra credit and/or make-up exams should be avoided, as they can dilute your grading scale and lead to grading inequities among students.

grading strategies should be transparent to the students

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