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Not every person learns the same, so it is good practice to teach vary different styles in class to every student has a chance to learn the material that is being taught in class.

I learned that an instructor needs to use as many teaching styles to engage all the students.

we need to use different styles of teaching in the classroom. Use the least number of steps when doing a demonstration. Follow a lesson plan. Include personal experience when appropriate.

The course to be instructed helps to determine the method in which to instruct. Having different teaching styles helps all students to understand the subject.

look into different teaching style to be able to help different students improve their skills

Provide a variety of methods to better instruct your students learning styles. 

Provide variety in your presentation style and methodology to keep students interested!

I have learned to use a variety of different teaching styles/tools.

Learning about the average attention span and ability to retain information for adults was helpful.  The idea of mini lectures will likely help adult students retain the information better and allow for application activities in-between to keep students engaged in their own learning. 

Effective Teaching Strategies: Delivering Course Content

Delivering course content effectively is essential for student understanding and retention. What I’ve learned is that content delivery should be engaging, interactive, and adaptable to different learning styles. Combining various instructional methods—such as lectures, discussions, case studies, multimedia, and hands-on activities—can cater to diverse learners and ensure that complex concepts are made more accessible.

In addition, breaking down the material into manageable segments helps students process information more easily, and providing real-world applications enhances relevance, especially in fields like nursing.

To apply this, I plan to incorporate multiple teaching strategies that align with course objectives, such as using visual aids, simulations, and active learning techniques to complement traditional lectures. I will also implement formative assessments to gauge student comprehension in real-time and adjust my pace or approach as needed. Engaging students through questions, group work, or interactive tools will keep them involved and reinforce the key points of each lesson.

I try not to lecture more than about 10 minutes at a time before having a pair and share discussion or another activity. 

As an instructor need to add variety in instruction to meet as many different learning styles as possible for student success.

I've learned that I should change my teaching style because students have a different way of learning. 

Understanding that not everyone learns and adapts the same, Understanding that each student is their own individual and they have their own ways of learning whether it is hands on, hearing, writing notes, etc. So having different teaching methos can help not just one set of students but a more broad

Develop learning for all styles of learning.


I will definitely keep in mind the 5-7 steps as what a learner will retain.  Including different learning styles will help me in developing practical and engaging lectures and ways to get the information across. 

Practice demonstrations prior to class.

This was a wonderful reminder of the various teaching methods and the value of each.

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