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I liked the refresher on the different types of assessments and when and when not to use them.

This module helped me with understanding that there is different techniques of teaching the students so they all can feel confident about any topic that is being talked about

Inam glad we are using a textbook, with test already built and included.  I also appreciate the fact that curriculum has already been prepared.  This tells me that all points we just reviewed have been considered by the staff that built this course.  In other words, why reinvent the wheel when one has already been prepared. 

This is valuable for large classes where duplication is required.  Also, selecting an approved text will aid in the cohesiveness needed when instructing large classes.

A better understanding of test types and the reasons they are used.

The main purpose of testing is to assess what students know not what they don't know

It would be great to include different types of assessments into our curriculum--I plan to try to follow the suggestions presented for good assessments with our curriculum development team as I've noticed that the types of questions in exams don't match the principles/suggestions outlined in this course

Always good to read about different formats

There seem to be a good variety of assessments. However, in my opinion, the skills applications tests seem to be the most beneficial for most students.

In my situation, we have a standardized pre-test and a standardized post-test (summative). They are the same test and it is multiple choice. The program I teach has eight classes and I have 1000 students a year, so testing on every class or section would be very cumbersome. I think formative assessments would be better suited for my situation, i.e. short quizzes or even just an informal review of the previous classes.

Learning about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of assessment. 

Very helpful for optimizing testing. Its interesting to learn/relearn some facts about different testing modalities

Essay questions require more effort from the students than other types of questions.  They test for critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  

using different testing techniques will help students understand and retain the knowledge better.

The tips and tricks were especially helpful. It is good to know the pros and cons of each testing method. From the students' perspective, having a balance of testing methods taps into the ways they learn best. 

I've learned about subjective and objective test taking delivery methods.

Usind different kinds of tests is an important way to assess learning

Completion tests are the best because they make students read and respond to blank questions with the facts not guess work. 

i gained some knowledge on how and when certain test questions should be used. i also learned that the test should also reflect what you want the students to take away from the content. 

I've learned that having multiple types of test helps with different learning types, also that using different types helps students learn.

Ther are a number of different type of tests. Depending on what type of knowledge you are trying to test for will determine what test type you use. Multiple choice questions will give you a larger range of answers and subjects but allows for more guessing. Where essays will give you more problem and critical thinking answers. True/false can give student some trouble. 

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