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Motivating and engaging students promotes retention of students. Knowing your students and information about their background can help to keep them engage becasue certain topics will spark their attention and you can use that to draw them in.

Be a motivator. Provide reinforcement that will enhance motivation. Provide immediate feedback. 

Keeping students motivated and engaged is critical to their progress in the curriculum. However, keeping instructors motivated is equally important. When instructors start to feel "burned out" and succumb to exhaustion, the classroom environment will suffer. Learn to recognize these signs early and make adjustments to keep the mood lively, entertaining, and informative.


It is important to make learning relevant and real for the students.  They have to do more than memorize, they have to be able to apply and integrate knowledge into their practice.

Communicating with my students about the content, and the subject. I understand that my students may not be used to my teaching style, so I listen to what they are saying and respond immediately and calmly to support them. I try to encourage my students to earn their respect. If the class gets off topic, I redirect the conversation back to the topic as easily with providing support to my students.


Motivation involves showing caring and interest in teaching. The faith of your students are also in your hands. Be kind, trustworthy, encouraging, and treat everyone equally fair.

knowing the material you are teaching is a plus.  I have learned that we are all humans and mistakes and errors happen.

Speaking clearly, so that the material is understood.  

Giving personal experiences during class shows students what real life in the field is like.  They appreciate the real life scenarios we discuss and I give feedback on some of the decisions they bring up.  This helps them to understand all aspects of the field and ways to overcome certain situations.


I learned that it's important to really show your passion to students to help motivate them and be successful.

know your students


Use your own enthusiasm and experience to help draw the learner to the subject and keep them engaged in the learning experience. 

Motivate students by engaging them.


This module taught me that I have a responsibility in engaging and motivating my students. Knowing the content is great, but a true educator is able to help motivate their students to really understand and utilize that information. 


Just as empathy is critical in the field of nursing, it is important in the field of nursing education. I will be working to get to know my students' stories to help them feel included and cared for as they work their way through our program.


Motivaging students through reinforcement, keeping the concept of learning positive, motivates and encouages the learner as if all scored work will need to be 100%, Leads the student to work for the higher goals of self-reflection. Motivating through retention enables them to learn, store, retrieve & apply this new information. This will allow student to succeed based on application in the "Ah Ha" moment as they see what they learn is intergrated into their careers. This results in their transference of skills learned are now applied increaseing the learning pathways. 

Knowing your students is vital; involve them with/from their life learned skills; create an environment where they want to take risks. keeping this true intrinsic motivation at amaximum level. Witnessing where students move from being students to contributors reaching their goals of their course of studies.


I have learned that motivating your students is good on a daily bases.  Some students need help in building the self-esteem and believing they are able to succeed in new challenges in their life. 

Doris R. Owens


letting the students know that we all make mistakes and it is ok. Establishing trust and empathy will help motivate the students to be more engaged in the class


I liked the section on motivation and how to keep students motivated. I thought it was interesting about point values and extra credit. Students will work harder for bonus points or when it is worth 100 points instead of 10.

I learned that in order for students to be motivated, you must have a positive attitude and be motivated in your teaching as well, and through that approach it can rub off on the students outlooks. Looking forward to focusing on this in the future. 


Students do want to know you are an expert, and you want them to be also.


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