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The Autism Spectrum | Origin: ED:131

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Teaching Students with Autism --> The Autism Spectrum

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The thing that relates to the classroom for me is that there are high functioning kids with ASD who mask very well.  That is something that as teachers we need to recognized and be aware of strategies to effectively reach those kids.  

I see students sometimes seeming anxious about where they should sit. Now I will take this as a clue that they might have autism. I can keep an eye on them to help provide a comfortable environment for them. I have one student who cannot stand any noise from classmates chatting while people work in groups to get their lab manual done. I spoke with her privately and told her she can go to the student lounge area to do her work, and she greatly appreciated it.

I did not think about how much a person with ASD might stand out from other students and how this can make them feel exposed and want to withdraw more thus perpetuating the cycle.

People with Autism, even severe levels of Autism, can function independently in many different ways.

I didnt know  the 2013 change to the naming convention.

Autism is not some you can outgrow. 

I learned there are many myths with the autism spectrum and High-functioning autism  individuals who  are able to speak, read, write and handle basic life skills like eating and getting dressed and some are able to live independently as adults and can for the most part function within their home and community.

What stood out most to me was that Autism was misdiagnosed and linked to Schizophenia and Down's Syndrome. I'm happy that further research was done and gave these disorders their own categories so that people can get the right diagnosis, resources and treatment.

A lot of empaty is needed to understan to cope with children or adults with this condition. learning to recognize the symtoms in order to best cope with them.

I did not know of the 2013 change to the naming convention, and will give this more attention going forwards.


I learned about the challenges of adults with high functioning autism.  As an instructor of adults in a fast paced and challenging technology training program, adults who have challenges in organization, planning, understanding abstract concepts, retaining information, managing time, and central coherence may need more support in order to succeed.

I learned about the complexity of high-functioning autism.  I plan to to use this information to build a classroom that lowers stress.

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