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Instructional Supports for Students with ASD | Origin: ED131

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Teaching Students with Autism --> Instructional Supports for Students with ASD

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Again, since each kid is different and ASD presents so differently, instruction needs to be tailor for each kid.  

Now I will think more about how to adjust an autistic student's assignment. I will be on the lookout for those who look uncomfortable about doing verbal presentations or working with groups.

It only takes a few simple adjustments to create a better learning environment for someone with ASD, however, it can be challenging for the instructor to come up with the best alternate teaching strategies. Individuals with ASD will have different needs, so first those needs must be identified.

I think the think-pair-share idea could be used with any students with a disability, especially students with autism, anxiety, or ADHD. 

People with autism are not all the same

It is important to know the limitations of people with autism.

Think-Pair-Share Model is great for students with ASD to reflect on what has been said and then share it with one other person, so this reduces their anxiety about groups.

It is important for teachers to maintain routine/structure, be clear and consise, have auditory and visual reminders for students.

There are many approaches to supports Autism students that can be applied without disrupting the goal of the class.

I like the idea of increasing visual graphic, structured, and even the think-pair-share technique.


Think about how you are communicating with your students- be specific, break tasks down.

I learned that it doesn't take major restructuring to accommodate students on the spectrum. I will apply the structure and accommodations needed to create a safe learning environment for all students.

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