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Technology and Multigenerational Learners | Origin: ED135

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Teaching Multigenerational Learners --> Technology and Multigenerational Learners

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As a digital immigrant, it is important to understand the need for connectivity that the digital natives have. It is also important to regulate use of technology in the clinical site. 

Technology is essential in today's generation, so it is necessary to stay up with the times.

Technology is the only way Gen Y and Z feel connected to society. These days, it's an essential tool to keep students engaged and interested in learning.

Technology is important in education and learning how to use it effectively in the classroom is very necessary. 

Time has to be spent learning about the technologies and how they apply to the content being taught, the learning needs of the students, and how technology will improve the instructional process.  Some students will not learn as fast with technology because of the different generation.

Learning about the characteristics of "digital natives" was interesting

Technology is an important element that is very necessary. I believe understanding how and when to implement is important as well as setting up some very specific guidelines for the use in the classroom.

Gen z and Gen Y both love technology.

Gen X,Y, and Z will be more likely to use different new technologies available to them and get instant feed back. 

Technology is the present and the future in the class room and / or online teaching. Excellent information about Gen Y and Gen Z students and how an instructor should keep a balance between human connection and use of technology in the classroom for best learning outcome.

Honestly here my biggest takeaway is that Gen Y is afraid of being "out of contact." I had never thought about this before. I have a no cell use policy in my classes (unless we're explicitly using them for something...I haven't thought about how that might feel to them). 

I liked that this module talked about setting clear communication guidelines between students and instructors. I think it is also funny that the example used is a student completing class work at 2 am and is requesting the instructors input. This is a very real scenario. I like that this module talks about why gen z & y want to always feel connected. I have had issues with students texting each other during lecture and I keep thinking about how a previous module talked about these generations ability to multi task and even though they are texting, they are likely still paying attention also. This class is very relevant to the semester I have had!

The use of technology enhances learning for Gens X, Y and Z and can focus on business tools they will use in the workplace, however, using technology just for the sake of using technology adds no value. The use of technology should be planned to meet educational objectives and build desired skills.

With students having either cell phones, ipads or laptops with them at all times, and educational environments having wireless connections to the Internet, instructors are able to access information and connect students with each other in ways that were not possible a few years ago. 

This module showcased the importance of recognizing technology's impact on a classroom and how it affects generations differently. Things that educators need to take into consideration when teaching a class with different generational students should include comfort with technology, learning preferences, communication abilities and collaboration, attention spans, and multitasking capabilities. Technology in the classroom can have a positive impact on many different generational learners. Still, it must be understood that each generation may approach and engage with technology differently based on their experiences and comfort levels. As educators, we need to be able to tailor our teaching strategies to engage and support all students in technology-enhanced learning effectively.

Technology is here and will evolve in the future. However, different generations are on different levels with learning through technology.

I've learned that one generation is not any better than the other, todays generation just has more resources available.

Technology can be a great addition to your lectures. It is meant to supplement, not replace.

Bringing technology into the classroom must be a deliberate, structured approach with clear expectations and boundaries.

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