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This section was a good refresher on ISD. I will go back through my online course and evaluate to make sure it meets all of the learning objectives and makes sense from the student perspective. 

Strategic incorporation of video to support the concepts.

Media strategies and ISD work together like this:

ISD sets the overall plan to meet learning goals.
Media strategies choose the best tools and methods to make content engaging and accessible.
For example, in an ISD project, media strategies help decide if interactive videos or text are better for presenting information. ISD ensures the chosen media aligns with the learning goals and assessments.

Combining both approaches makes learning more engaging and effective by using different media in a well-structured way.

Using rubrics that are clearly stated allow for students to know exactly how they are assessed. 

Media helps the student to interact and engage with the content and captures their attention.

I will be looking for ways to integrate multimedia more often in my classes.

This is a big section with lots of information, key takeaway for me was participate in student learning give them the tools to be successful. Try new things, group projects, written assignments, work groups and more .. Be purposeful to keep student engaged. 

The success of online learning hinges on effective media strategies and instructional design (ISD). By carefully selecting technological tools such as LMS platforms, interactive videos, and discussion forums, and by creating a solid instructional design that fosters motivation, interaction, and ongoing assessment, we can optimize the student learning experience. It is crucial to tailor content to diverse learning styles and encourage peer collaboration to build a dynamic and effective learning environment.

Development and design of the course helps with student interaction and engagment.

Students today know how to connect online better than we do. Listen and follow their lead sometimes and you might find a great way to encourage participation.

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