It is very important for the instructor to know the course delivery techniques and strategies to be an effective online instructor.
learning on line may require the correct technical experience to be successful ,students may get frustrated, its important to know the application process as an e-instructor in order to assist with student difficulties.
As an online facilitator, it's very important to become knowledgeable about the different avenues of online teaching so that our students become confident in their learning abilities and can successfully navigate through their online courses.
It is important that students have access to course material that was showed from day one, so they can review modules and be able to answer questions.
Structural integrity, navigational simplicity, intellectual interaction, active learner-centered learning must all be in place to ensure an effective, online course is made for students to succeed.
Both learner and technical support are paramount for online courses. The instructor should be familiar with the entire online course before the class begins.
online teaching posts many challenges but organization is a key. Knowing well your course content is very important.
Make sure your technology is updated and running efficiently.
will learn the CMS ...
I understand, it takes practice to master it. Extremely important to our students, as it is a main tool to check on their progress, ( easier to see where to complement .. and what subject to help with)
To improve course implementation and absorbtion into the learning culture.
I learned that course support infrastructure includes instructional supports and technical support.
Staying current an relevant is key. Technology and online platforms are flawed. Stay prepared, ready and calm.
Comment on Christena Meier's post: Comment on Patricia Weaver's post: I very much agree. I am not the most tech savvy. I will do my best to give out the most useful information to the students.
Quality online courses rely on strong structure, easy navigation, and active interaction. I plan to ensure my courses are well-organized and that I am proficient with the CMS to effectively support my students.
In an e-learning environment, each instructor may have different strategies to meet one common goal.
Delivering the online material in a structured manor is key for understanding and achievement.
Learned some various ways to engage the students and get them involved. This will all help the students get the information they need to understand the course and be ready for exams!
To minimize the frustrations that students can feel in an online setting, it's important for me as the instructor to be very familiar with the CMS and be able to provide that assistance to the students when needed.
Understanding the course delivery format is essential for creating and engaging in an effective educational experience. It dictates how the course content is presented and how students will interact with the material and one another.
Online learners and instruction has different strengths and weaknesses when compared to in person instruction. It is of utmost importance that instructors know how to utilize all aspects of a virtual classroom and keep on top of updating the calendar, responding to students, posting discussion questions etc.