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THE PBIS website is going to be very helpful for review.

It is important to be able to relate to challenging students and the best way to approach these kinds of situations.


Difficult students have been a constant in my welding shop at school. If we create good boundries problems won't become what they would have. 

This module assisted in reinforcing information vital to student success.  Engaging the student in their own learning is so powerful and can be motivating.  Instructors in the CTE field have the ability to empower students in their learning through the development of a positive and engaged learning environment.


All students need to respect from the teacher and vice versa. Students with trauma will react more positively to a teacher that understands them and their experiences. 

Relationships are the key to understanding the behavior of students and also co-workers.  When the students reallize that you care about them as individuals, they will care about performing well in your classroom.

So nice to see that there is a web site out there like pbis to help with those challenging students. It's hard to know what to do in this day and age with challenging students and this will definitely help.

The role of CTE educator has to reach beyond the syllabus to help identify possible hurdles a student may be facing.

Building relationships is important and respect in the classroom is a must.

When I have come to notice through this, is that understanding the underlying causes of a behavior or what trauma the student might have endured can have a major influence in how they learn and listen in class, and will influence their behaviors as well

The most important tactic when navigating challenging students is to make a concerted effort to understand WHY the student is acting out. Discovering the underlying issues contributing to the ineffective behavior.

I already create relationships with all my students.

Building relationships is critical to student success and allows for honest conversations about what the world of work is and what to expect.

Challenging students are probably experiencing something outside the classroom that was a trigger and then comes to class in a fight or flight mindset

I think all schools today should have trauma training for teachers.  When you are aware you can do better! 

The amount of trauma in our school is much more than I expected. 

Students come from different backgrounds. Understanding that different generations were raised differently helps me as an instructor to relate to them and build professional relationships. Maslow's Hierarchy has always made so much sense, as how do you build trusting relationships with people when you do not feel safe or have the basic needs. 

It's important to meet students where they are at day to day.  

My favorite part of this lesson was cultural responsiveness. I loved the idea of defining "respect" with the students because it can mean something different for each student. It also helps explain what others might find disrespectful that some students may not be aware of. This experience helps to eliminate assumptions and stereotyping in the classroom. 

Clear out lines like rubics help the student understand and engage better.

We never know what the student is going home to.  Make your room a safe teaching environment and some place they can be comfortable learning and asking questions.  Respect them and they will respect you.  

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