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It's very unfortunate that trauma is so prevalent is all of our lives.  Taking advantage of the students time in school seems a perfect resource to identify at risk students and offer assistance but I worry that the ratio between affected students and proper oversight for their care is too unbalanced.

Trauma is more prevalent now more than ever.  We as educators need to form a relationship of communication and trust with our students.  This will allow us to have students open up with us.

Mental health concerns amongst students has risen dramatically. Much of this concern can be attributed to trauma that informs the experience that these kiddos have endured. Trauma informed teaching is critical to allow teachers to provide necessary assistance earlier than later. 

Teachers, as mandated reporters, should learn how to recognize, report, and teach students who have experienced abuse and neglect and are suffering trauma. 

A teacher should observe for and documents triggers in order to better understand student.

I am a post secondary educator, so this class doesn't seem to fit with my job description.

On a higher level, trauma can be recognized in an individual, and I am confident I have the resources and knowledge to help in any capacity that I can.

PTSD is commonly misdiagnosed which makes it harder to help treat. 

I learned some formal definitions for terms I was familiar with.  ACE's are such an important model, it is good to have a refresher on them.

teachers mandated to report signs of trauma, Signs of PTSD, The effects of PTSD, 

Students can be misdiagnosed to have bipolar, autism, etc. than to be diagnosed with trauma or PTSD.

Trauma and PTSD can both have great impacts on quality of life, especially if left untreated. As educators, we do not have to treat them, but identifying possible need for treatment is helpful. Educators are also Mandated Reporter for abuse.

It's good to know the scope of responsibility an instructor can have regarding a student who has experienced trauma. 

Trauma can appear in students differently and can also be mistaken for other diagnosis if the person isn't experience in childhood trauma. There is 26% decline in  undertreated and untreated students that will likely not graduate high school compared to the 86% counterparts. 

Continue to be cognizant of my students countenance and demeanor , especially if they are displaying "off" like behavior.

A high percentage of students have had a traumatic experience resulting in PTSD.

PTSD is often misdiagnosed as other mental health conditions

For me this module broght a heightened awareness of specific clues and behaviors to be on teh watch for in my students.

Comment on Randall Rosecrans's post: AND it reminded me to spell/grammar check!!!

I found it very interesting that PTSD is on the rise in America's youth.

From this unit I have learned symptoms of PTSD and to be more cognizant of the possibility a student may be suffering from it. Also, how to get help for the student in these situations. 

As teachers we are going to encounter students that have suffered situations that cause them trauma and PTDS.  It is important that we support them, but also keep in mind important boundaries that need to be in place.  Boundaries are important for teachers ans for students.  It is important for teachers to teach students about boundaries.  Also, teacher need to understand they are mandatory reporters.  If a students share infomration regarding abuse, teacher must report it.  

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