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This section was a great reminder that not all disabilities are obvious.  Even if students have similar disabilities, they may function in very different ways.  We need to look past the "label" and evaluate students on an individual basis, since their past experiences and personal capabilites may cause them to need very different accommodations to function in a campus environment.


I am learning there are many types of ¨disabilities¨ that can affect learning in the classroom.  Each has itÅ› own unique considerations.


I was not aware of the so many types of disabilities, I am beginning to understand the differences. Every disability has different steps to ensure success


This module has brought to my attention that potential issues that students with mental disabilities might come with. Although a educators we want to ensure that we serve our students, we are reminded that the general saefty of other students is important.

There are several disabilities out here and several of these students are attending College. It is very important teacher/instructors are aware of all accomendations and make sure the students are educated on them....I also learned there is appropriate way to address students with disabilities without offending them. 


There are several disabilities out here and several of these students are attending College. It is very important teacher/instructors are aware of all accomendations and make sure the students are educated on them....I also learned there is appropriate way to address students with disabilities without offending them. 


This section made me aware that there are many types of didibillies. Not just physical disabilities.

Whenever adressing a student with disibilitie we must be carful not to affend them. Also in addition to phycical disibilites there are also mental disibillites.

There are many situations in the classroom that come about because of students with either physical or mental disibilitties and we need to idintify what the correct way is to adress any issues that may arrise.

Students with disabilities are just as capable to learn as regular students but should be given the support that they sometimes do not ask for.

As a Campus Administrator, this module helped me understand the differences between the personal responsibility of the student and what is expected from the institute. 


This module helped me understand as a Campus Administrator the differences between the personal responsibility of the student opposed to the responsibility of what is required to provide from the institute. 


Seth Soronnadi

That "The word "confined" is generally used to describe a prisoner; someone who cannot get out. In this case, it suggests that the person CANNOT walk. People who use wheelchairs would rather be regarded for what they CAN do. They CAN use a wheelchair to get where they want to go"

Not all students have obvious disabilities and some people such as Vetrans may chose to hide their disability. Not everyone w/the same disability will have the same needs. Each student needs to be looked at as an individual


The term Disability has a huge of students who fall under the umbrella as disabled. Students with disabilities must be given the same opportunities as any other students with accomodations oftem made by the institution. I always thought the institution was mandated to perform such task. 

Veterans may be the hardest group to recognise their diabilities, they tend to be very proud people and often don't disclose their disability, I have had a few vets with PTSD and they can be a challenge.

This module has taught me that we need to assist the students learning needs individually.  Not every student with the same disabilitit's has the same problems, in the example of the blind and deaf students.  As instructors, we need to speak with them individually to find their learning styles or needs and assist in accommodating them to be successful.


This section has pointed out the many types of disabilities that are present and also points out the type of disabilities that exist that are not readaly visable.

Reply to Andre Beaudette's post:  I agree with your comment. Awareness is the key.

This section outlines students and individuals with disabilitie. I have learned that even though persons may have the same disabilities their abilities may differ. It is important to look at each person individually for their own abilitie.


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