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It was really helpful for me to read the components of a good question and the alternatives to "any questions" at the end of a class period. From my side, it seems like this is inviting any confusion from the topic, but it was helpful to read how students interpret that question and good replacements. 

If the instructor has a good experience in his field, he can create good questions. and keep the class paying to his questions. and he can lead the students and let all of the students paying good attention to him and they share because he will create the environment needed.

By asking the student questions that may lead to the correct answer, a teacher has prompted critical thinking while maintaining the students self esteem. Be sure to thank the student when the correct answer is finally given.

I am guilty of asking poor questions, I guess. I often ask "does that make sense?" or "Does anyone have a question?" I need to rephrase my questions and help students turn a wrong answer into a right answer. I liked the Harvard video of the female instructor who would lead students to eventually get to the right question so they were successful. I am not sure I can do it, but love the idea.

Having Effective and efficient instructional strategies put in place plays a huge role in how well  the student understands the lesson. I will put some thought in what questions to aske them and how to ask them.

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I have learned that you should plan your questions out and be prepared. You may have to ask a question in a different way to get students to understand. Questions should also be repeated and reinforced

I have learned that having multiple-level lesson plans with planned questioning will help keep the students engaged and on task.

Don't ask if students have any questions, especially at the end of class. Have questions prepared

In this module, I learned the importance of questioning. Questions should be preplanned. As answers are being given, follow-up questions are important. Students should have the be able to understand the basic comprehension questions and then scaffold them up. As the instructor, you should ask the question and then give wait time, and call on a student. It allows for students to not drift off. A good way to check for understanding is to have other students restate what is shared. 

Employers consistently identify the need for students to function at higher levels than these. Teachers serve their students more effectively when they provide students the opportunity to do more than just remember and understand basic facts and skills. Employers are looking for graduates who can use basic knowledge to get things done, to recognize relationships and to use information in new ways to address challenges.

I really like these responses! It brings real-world "Teacher input!" Question, questions and questions... Cannot have too many of those for our students. You need to set a tone of inclusive, open ended questions that illicit answers from all the students, even those shy students! 

Planning effective questions is crucial for engaging students and enhancing learning. Key steps include:

Align Questions with Learning Objectives
Incorporate Different Question Types
Encourage Student Engagement
Use Questions to Assess Understanding
Balance Question Complexity
Be Inclusive and Fair
Provide Clear Instructions
Follow Up on Responses
Encourage Student-Generated Questions
Reflect and Adjust
By planning and using a variety of effective questions, teachers can create a more engaging and interactive learning environment that supports student understanding and participation.

Learned interesting facts about the characteristics of a "Good Question" and how to differentiate from a poorly asked question. Will keep in mind for the future. Very helpful.

I have learned that asking "Does this make sense?" or "Are there any questions?" are ineffective ways to identify student mastery. I am guilty of asking these types of questions and will now ask the students the questions that they should be asking me to generate responses and gauge to see if they have reached mastery.

I learned how to formulate better questions for the class and the importance of helping students get to the answer.

I need to take time to prepare questions to include in the lessons. Also, give more time for students to answer questions when I ask a question about the lesson.

Questions are powerful tools of learning, not only useful for assessment.

I enjoy seeing a student feel that satisfaction at having answered a "tough" question, e.g., one that requires higher levels in Bloom's taxonomy. On the contrary, I have gone back to the drawing board to formulate a different question if it did not lead to that same outcome. Now I see that I can use a series of questions to get the student to the correct answer. 

Students need to do mare than just recall facts.  They need to apply their knowledge and skills so they can transition easily to the workforce.  Teachers can help students function at higher level when they ask questions like "What might happen if.." or "What would you do in this situation.."  Thn having students reflect and explain why the chose a certain approach increases the application of their knowledge.

Directing questions to individual students is a characteristic of an excellent question.  It reduces the impuls for all students to respond at once.

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