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Learning Preferences of Generational Students | Origin: ED135

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Teaching Multigenerational Learners --> Learning Preferences of Generational Students

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I learned that each generation has its own learning preferences.

Each generation has different learning styles.

Technology plays a major role in education and implementing it in the classroom to engage all learners is beneficial to the newer generations.

I learned a lot of useful information about each generation's learning preference.

Students have preferences for how they receive new information. The more knowledge you have of what these are, the better you will be able to plan your instructional delivery.

A fun fact I learned was that Gen Z has been subject to technology from even before they were born

I think using multiple techniques and strategies is a definite must! This is great information

There are different types of learning styles for different generations.

It gives me an idea that since every generation has a different button or requirement for researching or learning the subject materials.

  this course taught me very interesting facts about the characteristics of all the various generations and how it relates to their learning styles and expectations in the classroom setting to gain knowledge. The instructors should be aware of these expectations and be well versed in how to deliver the knowledge to the class of multigenerational students to be a successful facilitator.

In reading about the different learning preferences of the generations, I can see how biased I am toward my own generation's preferences. I need to be sure I'm accommodating my Gen Y & Gen Z students as much as possible. 

I think it was most interesting to think about the fact that these generations were likely being taught by the generation before and therefore, likely being taught in a somewhat antiquated style. I know that with my own class, I am not utilizing available technology and learning tools to their fullest extent. I do plan on updating active learning strategies to be more technology based.

all generational cohorts can learn from all teaching methods, but when the going gets tough, select a method that aligns with the generational cohort to have the best outcome 

It is important to understand the different generations of learning.

This information assist me to reach various students levels of understanding.

Different generations of students have varying learning preferences based on their upbringing, experiences, and technological exposure. Baby boomers may prefer the traditional lecture style with hands-on learning activities. Generation X values self-directed learning and practical application. Millennials tend to prefer interactive and collaborative learning experiences incorporating technology. Generation Z is a highly digital native and thrives on visual, interactive, and experiential learning methods. Understanding and adapting to these preferences can enhance engagement, retention, and overall learning outcomes from students across different generations.

I've learned that the instructor needs to be able to adapt and differentiate instruction according the the different generations one may have in the classroom.

This part of the course went over the different learning styles of the major generations. It is useful information to have, as it gives me an insight into other ways to teach different generations. This will assist me in making sure my lectures are informative and accessible to all of my potential students.

Students, based on their time of birth, see the world differently and require learning thru static and interactive methods. Methodology and technology are crucial to this.


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