The importance of engaging learners in multi-sensory experience focused their attention is so necessary. We are regularly very different but on this day the situation needs to increase much more the retention levels for content and learners.
Learned some history of online courses.Design of the course should be based on modules,lessons and topics.Navigational simplicity is important to navigate through the course content.Course should include activities to engage learners with the instructor and with other students.
I agree that it needs to be easy to navigate from the very beginning and throughout so as not to lose the students interest. Also incorporating different learning styles is key so it doesn't get boring.
I have learned that having a quality online course means that you must have all of the quality engagement areas that will stimulate all learners no matter their learning style. That means that one must be adept at communicating the same information in several ways.
Structural Integrity enables better navigation which lends itself to a better student centered learning experience.
I can now appreciate how, for many learners, an online (or correspondence) course can provide an enhanced learning experience with better learning retention compared to a traditional in-person course. This amazing result is possible because an online course can provide and integrate a variety of methods to engage the student - video, audio, chat, discussion boards, knowledge checks, and so on. By varying the way that content is delivered and discussed, the instructor--through an online course--can reach the varied learning styles of students.
I have learned that organization and interaction are crucial for an effective instructional experience.
Creating modules to stimulate active learning with visual and interactive activities creates a quality online course
It's important for students to have interaction with their teachers. Merely 6% of students are online learners (2019)
Measurable outcomes that are visible, simple navigation, a clear structure, and quality media are all powerful tools for instructional design. My question is, how do we get a community to buy in?
I have learned that it is important to have intellectual interactions with peers and the instructors of the online courses. If that does not happen then the students may feel disconnected and not want to learn as much
Instead of simply giving students reading material and quizzes, interactive content that is well structured by topic is beneficial for distance learning.
The goal of education is to provide content and experiences to students to enable them to progress educationally.
Having a simple well designed course that facilitates student interaction will aid in learning and retention.
I have learned that online courses need to be easy to navigate and sequential and lead to the course objectives. The courses need to be multi-sensory to engage each student's learning style and increase retention of material.
I learned that having structural design, navigational simplicity, and learner-centered approach are the elements of a well-designed online course.