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Comment on Harold Ortiz's post: I agree; it applies to national origin and religion as well. I firmly support all instructors being held accountable for any hate speech and harassment in this area. I am glad the Clery act protects against this!

Title IX was enacted to protect students and employees from being discriminated against due to their sex. VAWA, Violence Against Women Act, is a law that requires institutions to offer programs that help prevent dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. These laws pertain to institutions where federal aid is provided. I agree with Harold Ortiz, this is a very detailed and useful explanation as to why Title IX and VAWA exist.

According to the Department of education Title IX and Sex Discrimination was designed to protect people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal finacial assistance. It states that:  "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."  The scope is large but important. I would go a step further and make sure we aren't discriminating against anyone unknowingly.  Try to stay unbias as possibly or be aware of inherit biases we possess.

What Title IX and VAWA are and why they exist, as well as how to locate information as it pertains to my individual institution, reporting policies and guidelines, and who to report to.

It is necessary that all are treated fairly in life/employment and title IX is an effective way of insuring this

I was aware of Title 9 as it relates to athletics however, I am just learning about VAWA and the Clery Act. This is crucial on college campuses.

This is the first time that I have been through this training and although I have found it very informative, I wish there was more information on how to proceed with distance education. Cyber attacks are increasing as distance education has evolved since COVID-19. 

The necessary steps to take to report sexual assault incidents if I am notified by one of my students.

These laws protect students and employees from harassment and discrimination

I am glad to know of both the Clery Act and VAWA, and how they work together in combating violence.  

Each of these regulations Title IX, VAWA, and Clery Act even though focus on specific protections each provide the necessary guidelines to ensure every individual is protected from unwanted sexual advances or violence. Understanding these regulations will allow me as an instructor to properly implement the necessary procedures to assist an individual impacted by such acts.

I've learned that Title IX and VAWA were created to help institutions build a safe environment for students, employees, and others from harassment both sexual and violent. It ensures that a culture of safety is being taught, promoted, encouraged, and executed to create and maintain a safe environment for everyone. I will do what I can to ensure that I am abiding by these laws and looking out for those I work around. 

I appreciate the ongoing training and awareness

I've gained a more thorough understanding of the policies within Title IX and VAWA. 

This is always a good review and an essential aspect of keeping students, faculty, and staff safe on campus and beyond. 

Very informative

As instructors, Title IX and VAWA are incredibly important to not only understand but make sure that we are always making sure that students and employees are protected. This was a very detailed and great course. 

I've learned then importance of Title IX in schools and institutions, and how we can keep students and staff safe. 

The training session was very informative. In every way possible it is important to protect Equal access to education, gender equality, protection from sexual harassment. 

What I've Learned
From this module, I gained a deeper understanding of how Title IV governs federal student aid and how it impacts educational institutions' responsibilities. I also learned how VAWA contributes to creating safer environments by enforcing institutional policies against gender-based violence and promoting awareness.

Title IV: I will apply this knowledge by ensuring that educational institutions adhere to Title IV regulations, helping students navigate financial aid processes, and understanding the consequences of non-compliance. Whether advising students or working within a higher education institution, I will prioritize transparency and accuracy in dealing with federal financial aid.
VAWA: I will use the knowledge from VAWA to contribute to creating safer educational and community spaces by promoting awareness, encouraging proactive measures to prevent gender-based violence, and supporting victims with proper resources and legal protections. In my role, I would ensure compliance with VAWA's requirements regarding reporting, policy development, and providing prevention programs to students and staff.

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