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Misrepresentation | Origin: CM107

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Compliance Training for Faculty Positions: Sustaining the Culture --> Misrepresentation

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When you are giving out information regarding the school, programs, etc. have facts and not assumptions.

I've learned to state the facts, in order to represent well.  Instead of using superlatives, that are not actual accurate representations.

Misrepresentation is not based off of intent but the consequences are based off the damage caused.  Also use of words are important, so ensure you think before speaking.


Students attend your school in order to receive the education and hands-on training they need to help them obtain the jobs they want. And, regardless of your role or position, you are an integral part of the mission to help students develop the skills, knowledge and experience they need to realize their career objectives. Ohh this is so good!! 

We must make sure we are representing our policies accurately.

I will give factual represewntations of the school and avoid superlatives.


Misrepresentation can occur even when not intended. Before answering a question or inputting your own opinion ensure that you are not using superlatives and that you giving accurate information. 

Misrepresentative and be misleading and may result in law-suit

I have learned about proper repreesentations.  The words that can skew a statement or claim.  This canb be misleading to a student.


It's easy to unintentionally use a superlative when talking about your school's features, especially when you are talking with an extremely enthisiastic student, the table of acceptable and unacceptable phrases is a good reminder to be mindful to prevent accidental misrepresentation.


Misrepresentation can occur accidentally, so we must be very cautious that we do not become too excited with our prospective students.  I wonder what completion and placement rates are being shared with our students?  Are they offered as a matter of fact during the intake process, or are they only revealed IF the prospective student inquires directly about them?  

Always stick to the facts!

I have done a great job in this area and very proud of that. I never say anything that missrepresents our school, and I hope I can follow my new learned guidelines to not ever make a mistake accidentely.


We must provide information so the student can make the an educated & informed decision that is best for their training, lives and future.  

Important to understand Misrepresentation and that it can be unintentional.  When discussing the school it is important not to use surperlatives.  Could mislead students. 

Misrepresentation is one of the common reason for schools to get into trouble by law suits




Be accurate with the information don't mislead the students.

Misrepresentations are common. Though students all learn differently, students (from what I have experieneced) have a mind set that hands on learning guarantees a job vs. traditional school setting.  

It is important to make affirmative statements and to avoid making superlative statements.

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