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Sustaining a Culture of Compliance | Origin: CM107

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Compliance Training for Faculty Positions: Sustaining the Culture --> Noncompliance

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I have learned a great deal regarding disability and the academic accomadations required of them.  The materials presented in these modules are useful and appropriate to facilitate learning in the class. I have had the priviledge of educating students who have been medically diagnosed with some form of temporary or permanent disability.  Now I have an added resource to further assist my students.

We must be a guiding light for our students.  If we tell them we are going to help them, then we need to follow through.  If we can't help them, then it is our responsibility to find someone who will.  Follow up with the student to make sure he/she was helped. 

We must act with empathy, timeliness and consistency with our students in order to achieve a compliance culture.

I have gained a great deal of knowledge in this course.  We have to set the standards and be the example. I honestly belive that true leadership should have Integrity, trust, Morals, and ethics characteristics.  We are the professionals and students are watching our actions and take to heart the example we show.  Its like our parents use to say, when you are in public, understand that you represent more than ourself.  These students are our customers and our goal is to ensure excellent customer service. 


THis is something our school take very seriously and we constantly see the rewards of it...go the extra mile. It doesn’t have to take much time, effort or cost, but doing something that is timely, a little extra special, and unexpected within the parameters of a request demonstrates that a student and his or her needs are at the top of the list—student-centered customer service.

We must always be there for the students. Help them when we can, but also be acutely aware that we don't have all the answers at time and may need to seek out wisdom from someone else in another office at the school that may be more aware of the answer to the question. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 

taking ownership of each situation only helps our students in the long run.

Our responsibility extends beyond that of meeting regulatory standards. In the long run, it is crucial to our student's academic journey and chances for success.

The school as a whole is a guiding force for the future of every prospective student, current student and graduate that chooses our school. it is our responsibility to ensure and provide that every step in their journey is transparent and that every question or concern is heard, addressed and answer to it full potential and with truth. 

The school as a whole is a guiding force for the future of every prospective student, current student and graduate that chooses our school. it is our responsibility to ensure and provide that every step in their journey is transparent and that every question or concern is heard, addressed and answer to it full potential and with truth. 

Admission, fanancial aids, career services, and faculty must collaborate as a team in sustaining a culture of complaince.

Staff is at the forfront of cultural compliance.  All departments have a responsibility to the student and to the school.  So many people and charactristic play into the topic of coplance (training, transparency, etc.).


Everyone can think of a recent customer service experience they had that left them unimpressed…keep in mind that it’s really very easy to provide excellent customer/student service, take the time and effort to “over deliver” in your discussions and interactions with students and delight them on behalf of your entire institution.


I've learned that we ALL have critical roles to play in achieving a POSITIVE Culture of Compliance around our students... Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Services and Faculty all are important and can either "make or break" the relationships with our students.  Now that we know better, we can all do better!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Joyous 2021! 

Be sincere and consistant.

I have gained a great deal of knowledge in this course. Being motivated and professional in student engagement is so important as well as being there for them in any capacity in communication. Being understanding and not showing favortism builds the trust our school depends on from its instructors. Our students rely on us to teach them well so they will not only have good grades but will be cofident and succeed when they are hired in the field. In this we have kept our promises to our students.

I've gained knowledge from this course that we are all a very unique transition in student's lives. Being trustworthy and honest at all times with students goes along way. Being transparent and treating eveyone faily and impartially brings an armosphere that creates more meaningful experiences that bring accountability for not only our students but also our staff and faculty. 

As the old African Proverb states, "It take a village to raise a child..." Each of us plays an integral part in helping a student achieve the best possible outcome for their lives after being associated with Concorde.  


These Modules have been very informative and useful for being an educator to ensure student success.  It is so important our students trust us and that we treat all students fairly and give them an atmosphere of trust.  We must always stay in compliance and meet all regulatory rules.  Interesting Modules!!

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