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Preparing for Customer Service Success | Origin: RT105

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Raising the Bar to 'First-Class' Customer Service --> Preparing for Customer Service Success

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Keeping your team informed and motivated will generate a better customer service within the other departments. This process will result on having excellent feedback from students. 

its good to have customer insight so that we as instructors can mold our customer service to reach a broader band of future customers and creat a better industry standard

Finding right person to hire is good not only for your better services, but also serves as a customer service...

Always good to provide customer service everywhere; outside and inside...

Internal customers are as important as external customers; they all have to be taken care of for a better business.

Hiring, training and retaining the right employees who understand the mission and vision of the organization is essential to fostering a superior customer serves focused department.   

I like the mention of taking criticism with enthusiasm. I feel that it is best to look at criticism and feedback as a golden opportunity to improve!

Knowing your team and training your team with the right people allows you to be more successful with customer service.

Feedback from students is important in order to make improvements and to keep getting better as an organization. Management and strong leadership are important, as well as effectively communicating with all the departments. Making sure employees are excited about their positions and understand their job duties is also important to ensuring the students feel comfortable and confident in their decision to enroll at the University. Management and leadership can utilize a reward system for great customer service in order to keep morale high and retain valuable employees. 

Providing good internal customer service will lead to good external customer service. It is important to know who you work with and what they do. This will help us be able to work better as a team to provide excellent customer service to our students, employers, and community.

Good customer service goes both ways- internally and externally.  If your employees are happy, they will work harder to make sure the customers are satisfied.

Teamwork between staff members shows a united front to external and internal people.  Customer service is needed for all members of the school community. As a team, you need to provide constructive criticism and give positive reflections to make customer service a successful part of your company. (This should be done in a confidential situation team meeting style)

Hiring the right people for good customer service is crucial for creating a positive experience for your customers. 

good customer service, hardly is remembered. bad customers is always remember and spoken about to others

I never thought of seeking complaints as part of customer service!

Good customer service starts internally with colleagues and other departments. It filters out to students and prospective students. 

I love the idea of cross training to know what other departments are dealing with. That helps everyone involved do their job better while making others do their job better and with ease. If a team is working well together that will translate to a positive experience for the students.

Customer service is a skill that you can build through time. 

You see better results when you get feed back from both the staff and customers. 

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