Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


I have coursed the CM221 and the experience was outstanding. I believe that we have to improve student retention by identifying struggling students within the first days and creating an individualized intervention plan to meet that students individual learning needs.

I would like to know your ideas about it....



Resource Notebook - A helpful tool

In completing this CM 201 - Compliance Training for Admissions, it  was very interesting and helpful to start working on my Resource Notebook. During the different topics discussed, advice and suggestions were provided as to what to include, write or highlight so that it can be a very resourceful information guide in the future.

Well, that's exactly what I obtained. Once I finished the course I looked at all the information I had compiled and am sure that it will serve as an excellent resource to reference when needed. This is a very good idea not only for this course but for others… >>>


I liked it it really helped


Retention in higher education, whether it be an ivy league well known school or a for-profit small neighborhood school is a valid concern for every provost involved and needs to be understood to keep enrollment steady.  The overall college experience is more of a collaborative experience between staff, student and faculty.  Monitoring students at risk of academic decline and interventions help foster a sense of partnership and commitment.  


Director of Education

As an employee who has worked in the for-profit sector for the past 8 years, this was a great reminder and review of the imporatance of conducting ourselves with  the highest level of integrity.  we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that compliance is a signifcant part of our operations and if you have to question your actions, it is a good chance that your actions can and may have a negative impact on our students, future studnets and co-workers.


I really enjoyed getting ready to another year with all this knowlage that I can be transparent with Prospective students. We really change life by guide them the correct way. I remember when I start in Admmision was told lisen, undurstand, resposive, that way can be real and trasparent.

We help people make smart career and education decicions.

Carla Alvarado

Career Education Advisor

Diectors Compliance

This is good steps to refresh your knowledge for school administration.

CM 202

This was a great test to have knowledge of.  I'm not the best test taker, but I took my time, read, watched and printed out articles, this was a big help!  In the end, I scored 100%!!  I did learn quite a bit of important information that I had thought otherwise.  I am now ready and confident as I welcome new students to our campus!

Career Services Department

I work for a post-secondary school which doesn't offer degrees. It is all IT vendor certification based. Which is a great ways for students to get training in shorter time than traditional schools in order to obtain jobs.

After completing the course I have been reminded how important the Career Services department is for our institution and how transparent we must be in this department. It is about giving students the tools to get them working on their desired field rather than to fill their heads with false dreams and ideas of what the workforce will be like for them once… >>>


Sometimes the best way to learn new information is through sharing experiences.

Great Resource/Refresher

This was a great refresher in regards to the admissions procedures, responsibilites of each member of staff and overall informative.

Ensuring that all files are compliant.

This lessions was a great way to ensure that all departments within our schools are following all regulations regarding compliance and student file. Thank you!


A great affirmation!

This course was a great affirmation of the enrollment/admissions knowledge that I have accumulated over my three plus years in working with prospective and enrolled students.

I look forward to getting out in the community!

Please use better Grammar!

I think someone should proofread before a final draft is presented as an online training tool.


Biggest Challenge

I was wondering what everyon's biggest challenge was when they began their Admissions career? Mine has been learning all the small (but big) details that goes into the everyday process. I was a substance abuse counselor before coming to Admissions, so I have had a lot of experience talking with people and sharing information with others previously. I think I do an excellent job at this aspect. What I am learning are all the minute details, and what to do and what not to do. I am learning more everyday, but am still a work in progress (as I am… >>>

Very Informative!

Great course and training to ensure success.

Well-Created Course!

Nicely-done course - full of information on every topic.

Thank you!

Good Course

Enjoyed the courese

Informative Matertial

I believe that the overall course was informative and organized in preparation of the success in terms of me taking and passing the require step by step process, and certification. The information was detail and expalin the polices and procedures for each and every topic and main points that needed to be known in order to take the certification exam.


Note: One suggesion could be to implement diagrams and interactive materials whcih would enhance a person's ability to be engaged in the materials.



Informative Program

I believe this was a very informative program. I learned about superlatives. This is something that when I think about, makes all the sense in the world, and could be considered common sense, but we all try to speak highly about our individual programs, especially when there is competition in the area. The best thing do is to only be honest and up front.