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It was interesting to hear that the block of time for our ability to learn or pay attention to a lecture is 15-18 mins. I will be implementing this time frame into my lectures and then switch gears to a more interactive format. 

It did my heart good when I read that the adult learner's attention span was, I believe 14-18 minutes. This far exceeds the attention span of new college-age students. :-)

I also appreciate the mini lecture concept with time for active learning and the different ways to handle student questions in class.

Ive realized I will be a great instructor for this students.

i like the idea of utilizing varying media formats to deliver content. This aids in facilitating learning by taking into consideration different learning styles 

A classic expose' on the 5 "P"s.  Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.  Effective lesson planning is key.

To develop teaching plans that can engage all types of learning.

There are many teaching strategies and its best to vary the delivery to help all students. 

It is important to remember you students all learn differently. So, changing your delivery method is through out the class is a great way to ensure all of your students are learning.

Work out my lectures to encompass all learning styles. Also, break up the lecture every 15-18 minutes by either adding a fun topic focus activity or taking a physical break to allow the students to achieve maximum retention of the material.

I am going to be very intentional about ensuring there are opportunities for students to learn about themselves.

Use a variety of teaching methods to reach the most students. Remember that people only retain a fraction of the information that is given to them. Practice experiments ahead of time. Always be prepared and keep lecturing to a short time.

Interesting the attention span of 15-18 minutes, retention of  25% of what we heard, 40% of what we read, comprehend 5-7 items.  These are valuable data when planning a lecture or presentation.

I am having trouble imagining listening 4X "faster" than speaking. ???

Delivering course content is important to keep students' interest and enhances their ability to learn the content.  Trying a variety of methods is appropriate.  People can only maintain interest in a subject for a short period of time around 15 to 18 minutes.  The most important information needs to be addressed first.  

The classroom is an excellent place to learn and grow as an instructor. As instructors teach their students, they are also learning from them. In today's world, younger students are more knowledgeable about technology, and so teaching students and learning from them is a complementary effort. Referring to the lesson, it is of utmost importance to practice the demonstration beforehand to be competent. Students are very observant, and not being confident can be a disaster.

There's alot here. I guess it's confirmation that I'm doing some things right and maybe some ideas for improving other areas like varying delivery styles.

Teach in variety of ways the first few days and be patient. Talk to students and pay attention to how they learn better. Practice and be prepared.

  • must be prepared to instruct
  • maintain integrity
  • share with class the expectations that course requires
  • show courtesy, support and diligence

always be prepared!

Comment on Michael Taylor's post: The Ted's are great. My 2-3 hour courses per 2-3 times a week makes it difficult in an accelerated program. I do ask at the close of the say what were the key points today. Those I use on my exams.

After learning the learners, you adjust your teaching styles but then you still need to adjust as you go through the course! It's a never-ending cycle! Students learn differently with different topics especially in math. 


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