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This section had a number of ideas to work with talkers and non-talkers that would be helpful in class discussions. The REFOCUS suggestions for dealing with mid-term slump were also helpful.

I love the idea of giving the students a crisis situation. This would be a fun challenge.

I always like to tell stories to break up the lecture. Also-no death by PowerPoint.  You must include different teaching modalities. 

I loved the course content that focused on reinvigorating a course midway through the term. Creating a crisis situation is a great idea to engage students and reinforce course content. Bravo! 

It is important to remember that the attention span of an adult is 10-15 minutes and they become bored very easily. Ask students to recommit to their success in learning for the second half of the course. Show students how much progress they have made since they have started the course.

I enjoyed learning about the REFOCUS strategy.  I can use these techniques to re-ignite my spirit for teaching when it becomes tiring. 

During the second half of your course variety is often desperately needed to keep your students excited about coming to class. 

Interesting. I am going to translate it to virtual environments

I really enjoy the acronym link/pair/share.

The mid-class fatigue is real. I appreciate learning about ways to bring back the vigor. I am a fan of mid-course evaluations. When I taught full-time it was in a 15-16 week semester. My mind cannot yet wrap around how this can work in 5 week segments. I am thankful for the acronym for REFOCUS:


Refocus is the key to success.  Keeping students motivated to succeed is the ultimate goal.  

Its Important to listen to your students an know there values an goals 

Many good points I look forward to implementing into my instructions and look forward to seeing how my class response to it.  

Breaking up lecture with mini challenges or games can help keep their focus and engagement while also helping them learn the material. 

I really see the benefit of a mid term evaluation or the emergency role play idea is great. By mid term many students can feel overwhelmed by the course content especially if they are not doing as well as they hoped. 

learning about the REFOCUS tool will help me be more creative and will help me relate my personal experiences to the students.

In this module, I learned and plan to apply REFOCUS. Like that Crisis stimulation game as an engaging tool.


This module helped me to understand the concept of Learnativity and the emotional components of students 

I will be better able to deliver the content for the students understanding and buy-in and creative ways to evaluate their learning progress. 

This module helped me to understand the concept of Learnativity and the emotional components of students 

I will be better able to deliver the content for the students understanding and buy-in and creative ways to evaluate their learning progress. 

I really enjoyed the REFOCUS tool and I plan to use that pat as a point of reference to my own lesson planning

By far, the section which dealt with storytelling and keeping your students interested or "student buy-in" was useful in that it reinforced the fact that 10 to 15 minutes are attention span boundaries.  With this information, and other technical explanations, one can better build an effect delivery strategy.

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