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This course demonstrates the importance of considering students holistically. It charges the instructor with the great responsbility of not only providing subject matter instruction but with engaging the students and meeting them where they are to facilitate their learning and success. The greatest take away for me is being able to successfully adjust for the students' age, motivations for pursuing higher education, and what they need to succeed in their endeavors; be empathetic while remaining professional, being facilitative while preserving the stucture/flow of the course to promote success for all. 

Within this area, I've learned to know your students as best you can, taking into consideration their background, if they have things going on at home, if things in the classroom and out of it are affecting their performance. It gives different ways to help us as instructors to be able to adapt per se. it generalizes it but getting to know the students, their goals, their wants within the course they are obtaining to perform within the trades. different learning and teaching methods can be used to get the course across and ensure the future tradesmen and women are going into their next job with the basics, and with that a strong foundation to build on.

Having knowledge of the student's experiences and why, will allow me as an instructor to provide relevant encouragement to meet the student's needs. I must ensure that I maintain a professional stance, yet offer encouragement, compassion and guidance to promote the optimum outcome for the student.

This is very helpful. I have worked with students straight out of high school and adult learners. I have   spent quite a bit of time motivating various students.  I find it interesting that this training points out the difference between mentoring and babysitting.

So far, I have learned that the characteristics of the learner are unique and incorporate the different age groups of students (age diversity). The average age of the student is 28 years old. Each age group has their own needs and expectations. Other characteristics involve cultural diversity, disabilities, fears, and support systems. 

The retention of students is largely based on student frustration which falls into 4 categories, namely, impersonal problems, people, rules and limitations. This is helpful when evaluating the overall needs of your students. 

The idea of showing up to labs and classes early to see the environment through the eyes of the students is an interesting concept.

I learned it's important to put yourself in the students shoes.

the importance of listening to understand and teaching to help others comprehend/understand,  theres no better teacher than life experiences over timw

personally getting to know who I'm teaching and how they learn and soak up knowledge so i can customize for each person seeking knowledge 

 I think, in general, the course pointed out some good guidelines for instructors to follow for helping students with their frustrations. But the one thing that is missing is you have to validate concerns- gone beyond just listening.

Discussing with students about their expectation of the class, their needs toward the process of learning, and considering their life experience along with the learning new material would be helpful and is a win win for both the instructor an the rest of the class.

The mapping of the student experience is one of the things this course teaches. We all know that students are complex and they eventually feel limitations to complete their learning, but to know what factors influence the building of those feelings is important.

 I learned the importance of understanding age and cultural diversities among your students.

It is essential that we meet our students' needs. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation must be noted in order for students to be successful.  

From this lesson I've learn how to approach the different styles learning and how to keep students engaged. Knowing when to approach a student that me be having a hard time. Prepping, prepping is key, prepping yourself ahead for the next day or week that follows.

I've learned the importance of how students' personal experiences and cultural differences play a role in instruction. 

This course emphasized the importance of building a great level of understanding between myself and students. Our mutual understandings of each other will only contribute to a more productive and supportive learning environment that will provide students with the needed tools to be successful in the classroom. In order to begin fostering this environment of understanding in my classroom as soon as possible, I plan to start the class with various exercises to establish a sense of community and connection through tools like questionnaires, ice breakers, and other team-building activities.

You are there to provide the opportunity to acquire the skills, competencies, and work habits needed for a successful career. 

Understanding the culture and status of the student will help me to set up the proper learning environment for the student. Meeting them where they are instead of sticking to the course. 

I have learnt that every student is unique in their own way bring along  different life experiences and driving factors that can be used  in the teaching process as well as to motivate  them. We as  teachers also have to be a support system for the students encouraging them along  the way  but also  be professional.

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